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Advanced Courses and workshops stencil printing on fabric

When you have completed the Complete Stencil Printing Course there is more to learn, find out more about the In Depth Pattern Design Course and Floral Print and Pattern workshop

Floral print and pattern workshop

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Learn more about finding inspiration for floral prints and patterns

Translate more complex designs into stencils

Learn to cut more detailed stencils

A 3 hour workshop in designing and stencil printing floral/botanical prints and patterns 


This advanced workshop is meant for those of you who are interested in diversifying floral and other nature inspired prints and patterns. Especially with floral prints it is very easy to get into a rut and make variations of the same florals over and over. In this workshop we use nature’s inspiration to create interesting designs. The workshop is also about the cutting and printing techniques that you can use to create floral designs and patterns.

Although we will work from hand drawn sketches a talent for drawing is not  essential, an interest in exploring your natural inspiration is. Planning of the workshop will start as soon as enough people have applied.


In this workshop you will learn:


  • How to look at your nature inspiration and use what you see in your designs

  • How to transform a basic sketch into a design for a floral motif

  • How to cut your stencils using layering to achieve more complex prints

  • Tips and tricks to achieve an interesting or more complex floral print.


The workshop will come with a reader that goes into ways you can use your inspiration to make a print design and includes many of the techniques that I often use for my floral prints.


€ 65,- (max. 10).


Next workshop:


Friday May 2nd at 6 PM Dutch time 

In Depth Pattern Design Workshop

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Learn about designing patterns with the use of different grids

Learn more about achieving different pattern rhythms

Learn how to use stencils for complex registrations

A 2 lesson course on In depth pattern design for stencil printing


This workshop is meant for people who have mastered all the basic techniques that I teach (cutting, printing techniques, working with multi-stencil motifs, working with registration) in the Complete Stencil Printing Course. This workshop consists of 2 lessons of 3 hours each and a come back session of approximately 1 hour to discuss progress and ask questions. As working with pattern designing for stencil printing take time we will not be able to finish patterns within the lessons. It is essential that you reserve enough time between the lessons to practice and and finish the patterns we have started in the lessons as well as try some new ones.


In this workshop you will learn:


  • How to design different kinds of basic pattern repeats (block repeat, half drop repeat, half brick repeat) by hand and how to use these repeats in stencil printing.

  • How to use more unusual pattern tiles (like ogees, scales, diamonds, trapeziums etc) in your repeats and how to execute patterns made with these in stencil printing.


This workshop will come with a reader that explains all the different ways of making a pattern and that you can refer to after the workshop.


€ 145,- 


​I am currently taking registrations for a course that (depending on registrations) will probably take place in the second half of 2025 or beginning of 2026.

  • If you want to do the basic stencil printing course (required for any of the advanced options), find more information here.

  • If you would like to do an in person workshop at a very special location, have a look here.

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